Friday, July 16, 2010

robert downey jr and his jude

in honor of inception's opening day (and my 40th post), i wanted to present my parody of another fabulous film: "Sherlock Holmes". it's not a parody of the film, per say, but rather of the film-making process. i being one of the millions of fan girls that wanted sherlock and watson / robert downey jr. and jude law to get it on, i created this comic because i could not concentrate on studying for an ancient world civilizations mid term ... enjoy ... :D
this comic i made for my friends was the reason i started this blog - their awesome reaction to it made me think that i could hopefully brighten other people's day with my ridiculous antics.


  1. I don't think wonderful begins to describe this. :) SO WIN. SO VERY WIN.

  2. Oh gosh, that threw me off my chair XD XD XD
    Just make sure that none of jude Law's kids see these... That would be awkward.
