Monday, August 16, 2010

freaky pictures...

this image ...

is almost as disconcerting as this image ...
and this one ... bitch this be buddah on crack! dude - calm the fuck down ... and fix that cock-eyed thing you got goin' on ...

The life span and sex change of Timmy Turner

we all know Timmy Turner from Fairly Odd Parents and how he's a cute little boy, but annoying as fuck and dumb as a rock. but here's the fun part - if we follow his voice actor (who's actually a woman, shock and awe- her name is Tara Strong and she's pretty bad ass) through her progressive roles, it's like watching Timmy grow up after the Fairly Odd Parents was canned ... So in his teenage years, Timmy realized he would never outgrow his little girl's voice and realized there must have been a reason for why he always wore so much pink - he was a girl trapped in a boy's body. So one wish for a sex change later and POOF!
We have Timmy as the pretty pretty princess he always wanted to be! (Princess Clara from Drawn Together) But as Timmy got older, and started liking more and more boys, he/she became a bit of a skank ... and then there was college ...
One hair bleach and Victoria's Secret run later, we have foxy young lady Timmy ready to partay with the boys! Look out Chester and A.J.! RrrrraaAAAAAAaaarrr! (Rikku from Final Fantasy X and X2) But, none of us, not even a cartoon character, can resist aging. As Timmy's bones shrank, and eyesight worsened, he was transformed into a little old fairy lady.
And thus we see what Timmy has become. Reduced to his/her original height, he/she now lives with his/her blue Indian husband, Mung Dahl, and a cast of adorable comical little creatures on the Cartoon Network Show, Chowder. p.s. - Mung Dahl doesn't know his wife of 495 years, "Truffles", as Timmy now likes to be called, was a dude ...
mumms the word!

beaver blooper

can you spot the beaver blunder? ...actually they did it on purpose but i hope it was just for a whaaaaaaaaaaaaa?!?! effect and not cuz they're all gung-ho for their hidden association...

yeah okay i watch waaaaaaaaaaaaay too much angry beavers ... forgive me for reliving my youth before i turn 21 ... i've been having a quater-life-crisis for the past year and fantabulous cartoon antics help a lot :)NRA???? ho shit can you imagine dag or norb with a gun ... there goes the forest ... and, more importantly, what are you trying to tell me nickelodeon? what is this subliminal messaging???

Monday, August 9, 2010

boyscouts ... lol!

meh heh heh heh heh heh ... you know that's funny ...
(and a little hot if the scouts are 18+) who said that?

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Muppet Show

kermit gives vincent price, master of horror, a little froggy vampire bite :[) ... thats the best vampire icon i can come up with at the moment ...
bork bork bork!
from the elton john episode, the muppets, in their own words, all look like stolen cars!
oh eighties humor :P

john cleese as a pirate on the spaceship swine trek - freakin hilarious (youtube it!)

god do i love me some muppets! what would my life be like without the sweedish chef and gonzo and kermit and the electric mayhem? i love>

Leonardo in Jail

so this week has been a phantasm f wonder and joy ... and i mean that quite sarcastically. my laptop broke, i had to move and my new apartment only seems to have internet at one spot at 12:50 am, i have an essay due tuesday, and i have blisters that cover the entirety of both of my heels... at this point i'm begging for school to start up again - BEGGING!
oye well thats enough bitchin outta me ... :D if you want a laugh, i suggest you youtube "amv hell" for anime nerdy goodness - boobs and masochism abound! hopefully i'll be able to provide fairly regular and humorous posts now that i am mostly settled in ... enjoy this little quickie with the lovely leo and have a fantastic day :P